Back in August I co-wrote an article for the Eastern Daily Press with some lovely folks from Feel Good Norfolk all about feeling good in yourself and your body. I didn't get the chance to get a copy of the paper so I thought I would share my part of the article here for you to read, and here it is...
Throughout our lives, there is one person who is by our side, through thick and thin, no matter what.
When everyone else come’s and goes, one person remains – ourselves. Unfortunately, the relationship we
have with ourselves is often far from nurturing. We are overly critical, setting unattainable standards, and
miss the opportunity to be our own best friend, our greatest ally.
This unfortunate reality can be changed. In any moment we can make the choice to be kind to ourselves.
We can switch the narrative and start to develop an inner voice that is supportive, caring and
compassionate. We can cheer ourselves on and feel safe and content in our own skin.
Practicing self-compassion is essential to improving our relationship with ourselves, although it may seem
challenging at first. Through the work I do helping people build a better relationship with themselves, I
have found self-acceptance to be a vital first step in this journey. Embracing all parts of ourselves removes
resistance, we stop fighting ourselves.
To begin your daily practice of self-acceptance find a quiet, comfortable space. Become aware of your
feet and slowly move your awareness up through your body. As you go, notice every place in your body,
let each part of you know it is accepted. Welcome and fully accept each new sensation, feeling, or
thought. If resistance arises then accept that and carry on. Notice what happens when you allow yourself
to be as you are, without attempting to change anything.